Your Amazing Journey

Today we're keeping it simple. Your journey—and yes, your journey is uniquely yours—is amazing! It is as simple as that, because it is true. Do you believe it though? Do you believe every step you take is part of who you are becoming? Or do you judge yourself for your mistakes and put yourself down? When you see that you are amazing, you will also believe your journey is amazing. What do you believe? Or rather, who do you believe?...

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Celebrate Your Journey

Have you ever put a lot of effort into something, expecting others to celebrate with you, only to discover that the people you thought cared really did not? It is a disappointing feeling, for sure! When we live to please other people, we easily become disappointed when realizing we do not have their approval and support. People-pleasing comes from a sense of lack and need. However, when we live from a sense of completeness and self-worth, we do not operate from a sense of lack and emotional co-dependence...

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